Two Evils, One Gospel

Be appalled, O heavens, at this; be shocked, be utterly desolate, declares the Lord, for my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water (Jeremiah 2:12–13)

When I read this verse, a story comes to mind.


Once about ten years ago, I made a bad decision. I woke up one morning and decided to go for a long distance run. Now keep in mind that I had not been running regularly at all. And even in my more regular running days, distance running was not my specialty. Due to genetics and ultimately God’s sovereign design of my anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry, I am what you might call, a sprinter. One hundred meters pushes it distance-wise for me. However, as I began running that morning…I felt good. So I just kept running. And running. And running. And before long, I had gone about twelve miles…in one direction! Having opted for the country roads, I was not around a lot of life…except cows. I was dead. My legs were jelly, and I could feel small twinges in my quads and calves that were the harbingers of painful cramps that were sure to come. And of course, I was, naturally, quite thirsty. However, I had neglected to bring water with me. As I said, this was a bad decision. Added on top of all of this was the fact that I had to figure out how to make it back home. There was really only one option. So I turned around and began the very long, very slow jog/walk/stumble home.


As I made my way, it didn’t take long for the blazing Oklahoma summer sun to begin baking me. It got to the point that I had to find water. I was running the risk of succumbing to heat sickness or, worse, heat stroke. Thankfully, it had rained just the night before so there was some rain water in the bar ditch beside the road. I didn’t have to think very hard about whether or not to drink it. I knelt down, soaked my shirt and slaked my thirst with water from the ditch. And ultimately, by God’s grace and a car ride from a stranger (also God’s grace), I made it home. Now where does Jeremiah 2:12–13 come in? Let’s consider it.


In Jeremiah 2:12–13, God’s word identifies for us the dual reality of our evil, sinful actions. And according to the LORD, our actions are appalling and shocking to the heavenly realm. Why? Because we, God’s creatures and image bearers, who completely depend upon God for life, have “committed two evils.” We (1) have forsaken God and (2) have hewed out broken cisterns.


First, we have turned away from God the source of our life or, as God says, “the fountain of living waters” (2:13). This was our first evil. Second, and on top of that, when we found ourselves dying of thirst, instead of turning back to God we sought out sin and idols in an attempt to satisfy our thirst—in an attempt to find life apart from God, which is impossible. Or, as God says, we “hewed out cisterns for [ourselves], broken cisterns that can hold no water” (2:13). This was our second evil. And this is the natural progression of sin, is it not? We first rebel, turn away from, and forsake God. And then, we find and cling to our favorite idols and sins. And slowly and progressively, we begin to reflect God less and reflect our idols more. Instead of loving God, receiving life from him, and giving life to others, we love our idols, which do not give life but take life. And so we too ultimately take life from others. We become: lovers of self, lovers of money, lovers of sexual immorality, lovers of power, prideful, arrogant, angry, abusive, disobedient, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God (2 Tim 3:1–5). We become all of this, all because we forsake God our fountain of living water, end up finding ourselves thirsty, and turn to broken cisterns that do not satisfy our thirst or give life. Let’s consider my running story once again to illustrate this.


When I found myself fifteen or so miles into my run—feet cooking on hot asphalt, head roasting in the hot Oklahoma sun, body in dire need of water for the sake of my immediate health—if someone would have come and offered me crystal clear, clean, cold, fresh water, it would have been utterly foolish of me to instead choose the ditch water that ran next to the road. To put an even finer point on it, it would have been utterly foolish, indeed insane, of me, upon seeing any available water to choose instead to eat a handful of dirt rather than drink. But this is exactly what we do when we choose idols and sins rather than God who is our fountain of living water—we choose to eat dirt from broken cisterns. This is a testament to our blindness to the worth and value of God and an offense to his goodness. This is evil twice over. And according to Jeremiah 2:13, this is precisely what we have done. But thanks be to God, who does not leave us to our foolish selves.


Pastor Wil will expound on this gospel reality more this weekend. But for now, let us whet our appetite for the feast that awaits come Sunday. God in his grace comes to us by his Son in the time of our most dire need when our spiritual dehydration threatens to consume us. And what does his Son say? He says, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink” (John 7:37). Jesus offers us living water so that we will never thirst again (John 4:10, 14). Jesus offers us life in God once again through the Holy Spirit if we will but turn from our sins—plug up our broken cisterns that we’ve dug—, come to him in faith, and drink deeply. Let us not reject his offer. For if we drink from his living water now, the gospel promises that we will be sure to drink from it in the new heavens and new earth where the river of life flows freely, unabated by any vestiges of human sinfulness (Revelation 22:1–5). So come. Come and drink. Taste and see that the Lord is good.

“Do You Love Me?”

What is the defining question that someone who would be a disciple of Jesus must answer? Jesus’ interaction with Peter in John 21:15–19 points us to the answer.

In John 21:15–19, we see one of the more memorable scenes in all of Scripture—the risen Jesus restoring Peter. Recall, Peter had denied Jesus three times at the most critical time of Jesus’ ministry, the cross. The cross defines Jesus as Messiah, the Messiah that Peter was dedicating his life to. And at his Messiah’s defining moment, Peter abandoned and denied him. Now, on the shores of Galilee, the resurrected Jesus, having sought out Peter, sits down with him and some of the other disciples in order to restore him. Peter denied Jesus three times, and so, after breakfast, Jesus fixes his gaze on Peter and three times asks him a critical question: “Do you love me?” (John 21:15, 16, 17). Before considering this question, it might be helpful to consider what Jesus did not ask Peter.

  • Jesus did not ask: “Simon, son of John, do you know me?”
  • Jesus did not ask: “Simon, son of John, are you sorry?”
  • Jesus did not ask: “Simon, son of John, do you want my forgiveness?”
  • Jesus did not ask: “Simon, son of John, will you follow and obey me?

Each one of these questions is not necessarily a wrong or bad question. In fact these are appropriate questions to ask given Peter’s sin. However, they are not the ultimate question, that is, they do not get to the heart of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. All of these questions are downstream from love for Jesus. Consider each in turn.


“Do you know me?”

Jesus could have asked, “Simon, son of John, do you know me?” This is natural because this reflects Peter’s denial. Peter denied that he knew Jesus. He denied that he had any relationship with him. So, we could have expected Jesus to ask, “Peter, do you know me?” as a sort of redo moment for Peter, who would answer, “Yes, Lord; you know that I know you.” But this doesn’t go far enough. You can know someone and be in relationship with someone and still not truly and rightly love them.


“Are you sorry for denying me?”

Jesus could have asked, “Simon, son of John, are you sorry?” This is natural to expect because when we wrong someone, we apologize. Peter sinned against Jesus, his teacher, his friend, and his Messiah. Peter should apologize. So Jesus could have asked, “Peter, are you sorry for denying me?” And Peter could have answered, “Yes, Lord; you know that I am sorry.” But this does not go far enough. You can be sorry because of the guilt you feel rather than sorry because you wronged someone you love. You can be sorry for wronging someone and at the same time not truly and rightly love them.


“Do you want my forgiveness?”

Jesus could have asked, “Simon, son of John, do you want my forgiveness?” This would be natural to expect in the same way it would be natural to expect Jesus to ask if Peter’s sorry. Peter sinned against his Messiah Jesus, and, therefore, would naturally want to apologize in order to receive forgiveness. So Jesus could have asked, “Peter, do you want my forgiveness?” To which Peter could have answered, “Yes, Lord; you know I want your forgiveness.” But again, this does not strike the heart of the matter. It is possible to want forgiveness merely for forgiveness’s sake. It is possible to want forgiveness to assuage one’s one conscience and nothing more. You can want forgiveness from someone and not want them. You can want forgiveness from someone and not truly and rightly love them.


“Will you follow and obey me?”

Jesus could have asked, “Simon, son of John, will you follow and obey me?” This would be expected because by his denial, Peter’s loyalty is now in question. So Jesus could have said, “Peter, will you follow and obey me?” To which Peter could have answered, “Yes, Lord; you know I will follow and obey you.” But once again, this question does not address the most pressing issue. For one can follow and obey out of a sense of duty and duty alone. You can follow and obey someone and not truly and rightly love them.


“Do you love me?”

So Jesus asks Peter the most important question. He asks Peter the defining question that a disciple must answer. Jesus says, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” If he loves Jesus more than anything, even his own life, then Peter will truly and rightly come to know, that is, enter fully into relationship with, Jesus. If he loves Jesus more than anything, then Peter will truly and rightly be repentant and seek forgiveness when he sins. If he loves Jesus more than anything, then Peter will truly and rightly follow and obey Jesus. Indeed, it is out of Peter’s professed loved for Jesus that Jesus then commissions him, “Feed my sheep.” The starting place for everything a disciple of Jesus is and does, is love for Jesus.


“Do YOU love me?”

And so, we are faced with same question. Do we love Jesus? Do you love Jesus? To love Jesus is to love God (John 5:42–43; John 8:42). And to love God is the greatest command given to man (Matthew 22:37–38). In fact, if we do not love Jesus more than anything else, then we cannot truly and rightly be his disciple (Matthew 10:37). Jesus has to be our greatest treasure. We have to love Jesus more than our own lives (Mark 8:34–35). Why? Because he is the greatest treasure, and he is life (Colossians 1:18). And Jesus comes to all of us and asks, “Do you love me?” Our answer to that question will define our lives for all eternity.

Mountaintops and Valleys

So when they had come together, they asked him, “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight (Acts 1:6–9).


I think we can all relate to the disciples. Here in Acts 1:6–9, we see that the disciples are wondering if Jesus will finally restore the kingdom now that he has risen from the dead. Who can blame them. They’ve witnessed the miraculous! They’ve been to the mountaintop with their king! Death has been defeated! Surely, now is the time to set all things right permanently. But Jesus says,

“It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

Essentially, Jesus tells them, “It’s not yet time. But it is time for you to get to work as my witnesses.”


Our small group reflected on this reality briefly just this week. God richly ministered to us as a church family through our very full Easter weekend. From our Good Friday service to a delicious, shared meal on Holy Saturday with some members to a very early and beautiful Sunrise service on Resurrection Sunday—which was followed by a breakfast feast with our whole church family!—to a beautiful, gospel-rich and Holy Spirit filled Resurrection Sunday service, God truly met us and blessed us this past weekend. Many of us felt we had been up on a mountaintop with God. And now that it was over, some of us had the post-Easter blues, and wondered, “What now?” Well, Pastor Coty reminded us that this experience is not unique.

In Mark 9:2–13, we see three of the disciples have a literal mountaintop experience. While up on a high mountain with Jesus, Peter, James, and John suddenly find themselves subsumed by Jesus’ divine glory as he is transfigured before their very eyes. The experience is so overwhelmingly glorious and terrifyingly rich that Peter—not knowing what to say but nonetheless still managing to speak—acknowledges the goodness of the situation and suggests that they build a hut for Jesus in order to stay up on the mountain! The glory of the heavenly mountaintop experience in Peter’s mind warranted remaining on the mountaintop. Now this was not a wrong desire, wanting to remain in Jesus’ glory, but the timing was not right. There still remained much left to do in the broken, sinful world before the kingdom of God would come in all its fullness with Jesus reigning in all his glory. And the very next scene reveals this.

In Mark 9:14–29, we see Jesus, Peter, James, and John descend the mountain to join up with their comrades below. There, the exact opposite of the heavenly, glorious mountaintop, a valley marked by faithlessness and demonic oppression, immediately confronts them. A father with a demon possessed son, whom the disciples could not deliver, meets Jesus. Jesus’ response to the overall situation testifies to the work that remains to be done on earth, “O faithless generation, how long am I to be with you? How long am I to bear with you? Bring him to me” (Mark 9:19). In Jesus we see the desire to depart and be in the Father’s heavenly glory. And in light of this desire, Jesus gets to work and delivers the boy. Jesus, while ever-desiring to return to his glory and see the fullness of the kingdom of God come to earth, continues to go about doing the hard and necessary work of serving and ministering to those in need. And he would do so all the way to the cross, for his cross is the only way his glory and his kingdom would come. And his cross is the only way those in need could enter that kingdom. Jesus’ gospel mission, his service, his ministry is the only way a faithless generation becomes a faithful generation.

So in Jesus we have our perfect example. In Jesus, we see what we should do after a glorious mountaintop experience. We should go to work advancing the kingdom. We go back down into the valley of the world marked by faithlessness and demonic oppression in order to be agents of gospel deliverance. We go into the valley of the world as his witnesses, clothed in the power of the Holy Spirit whom he sent to us. We go all-in on serving, hands to the plow, never looking back. And we serve with our hearts ever-desiring one thing—seeing the king, our God, in his beauty (Psalm 27:4; Isaiah 33:17). Yes, we serve with our eyes firmly fixed on one person and one place—the author and perfecter of our faith in the everlasting city of God in that far heavenly country that is to come (Hebrews 11:10, 16; 12:2, 22; 13:14).

Thank God for the moments of mountaintop glory in this life, and cherish them. They are a sweet reprieve and boost of spiritual vitality. They are like a father sweeping up his child into his arms for a big hug. Indeed, that is what they are—our heavenly Father, sweeping us up into his joy and glory. But when the mountaintop passes, and earthly reality sets back in, keep your heart and mind fixed on the heavenly, while working with your hands in the earthly. Remember the glory you’ve seen, look to the glory that is to come, and continue on your pilgrimage to that heavenly city that sits high atop God’s holy mountain. And along the way, serve. And, by God’s grace, help deliver your enslaved fellow men in this dark valley below. You may not know the time of restoration, but restoration is sure. And your king calls you to be his witnesses. So tell people of the glory you’ve seen and of the glory that is coming.

The Mission of the Impeccable Christ Illustrated

Last week I highlighted the scandalous nature of the gospel. There, we saw that the gospel is scandalous in that not only is righteous, innocent Jesus condemned to die, but also, via his cross and his resurrection, Jesus sets the guilty free and makes the guilty righteous. We see this scandalous gospel live and in living color in a familiar narrative: when Jesus is condemned and Barabbas is set free. To draw out the scandal, we will follow Matthew and consider Barabbas’ notorious or well-known reputation (Matthew 27:16) over against Jesus’ reputation. Then we will consider the great exchange of the notorious sinner and the impeccably righteous Jesus. And finally, we will revel in the hope this offers us.


Barabbas Is Notorious for Sin

Mark notes that Barabbas, is imprisoned, “among the rebels…who had committed murder in the insurrection” (Mark 15:6–7). Luke observes that Barabbas “had been thrown in prison for an insurrection started in the city and for murder” (Luke 23:19). John says he was a robber (John 18:40). This term robber in the biblical context, is often associated violence. In the OT, it is associated with raiding bandits or highwaymen and with all manner of sin, including murder (Hosea 7:1; Obadiah 5; Jeremiah 7:8–11). So what is Barabbas notorious for? Barabbas is notorious for being a violent rebel against authority. Indeed, he could even be notorious for instigating or fomenting violent insurrection (Luke 23:19). Barabbas is notorious for murder. Barabbas is notorious for robbery. In short, Barabbas is notorious for sin—sin against God and sin against his fellowman.

Now consider Jesus.


Jesus Is Notorious for Righteousness

A survey of the gospels make clear what Jesus is well-known or notorious for in his context. Jesus is notorious for healing the sick. Jesus is notorious for making the lame walk. Jesus is notorious for opening blind eyes and deaf ears. Jesus is notorious for exercising divine, miraculous, physics-defying authority over nature. Jesus is notorious for feeding the hungry. Jesus is notorious for casting out demons. Jesus is notorious for raising the dead. Jesus is notorious for exposing and confronting injustice and sin. Jesus is notorious for forgiving sin. In short, Jesus is notorious for his righteousness.


The Great Exchange

Here in this prisoner swap of Barabbas and Jesus, we see the gospel. The notoriously sinful Barabbas goes free. And the notoriously righteous Jesus is condemned. Barabbas is guilty. Barabbas should have died on that cross. But Barabbas’ sentence is commuted. Barabbas goes free. Barabbas is considered not guilty and treated as such. On the other hand, Jesus is innocent. Jesus should have gone free and lived. But Jesus’ perfectly righteous, innocent life is condemned. Jesus is considered guilty and is treated as such. This picture of the gospel ultimately breaks down, though. And this is where the scandalous nature of the gospel that we highlighted last week bursts forth even more.


The Even More Scandalous Gospel: The Impeccable Jesus Becomes Sin and You Become Impeccably Righteous

In this scene of Barabbas being set free, we only get a picture of the true gospel reality. Why? How? Well, what does everyone else recognize about Barabbas when he goes free? What is still true of him? He is still guilty. His guilt remains. Barabbas is only being considered and treated as not guilty. But he is inherently guilty. That is where this picture breaks down. Because what does the gospel say? The gospel of Jesus Christ says this, “Not only are you free, but you are righteous!” And we are tempted to say, “No I am guilty! Look at what I’ve done!” The gospel’s responds, “Righteous!” In the gospel of Jesus Christ, we are not only free, our sentence is not simply commuted, but we are declared righteous and transformed into the very righteousness of God: For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21). And there is more.

Jesus worked righteousness but he also never sinned. And not only did Jesus always overcome temptation and sin, but Jesus was also incapable of sinning. Jesus was impeccable. Theologian William Shedd describes Jesus’ impeccability as his being able to not only overcome temptation, but also his being unable to be overcome by temptation.[1] And through his substitutionary atonement, by becoming the curse for us (Galatians 3:13), by becoming our sin on the cross, Jesus completely paid our debt (Colossians 3:14). Jesus gave his life as a ransom so that we might become the righteousness of God (Mark 10:45; 2 Corinthians 5:21). So because of Jesus’ work, we are like, are becoming like, and will become like him (Romans 8:29; 2 Corinthians 3:18; 1 John 3:2). This is a monumental promise and unfading hope for those in Jesus. The sin that we continue to struggle with, even in our divinely declared righteous state, will end. We will one day be free from all remnants of our sinful flesh. Sin will no longer exist, and we will be unable to sin. Impeccable Jesus’ mission was and is to make us impeccable.


Enduring Hope

When we see notoriously sinful Barabbas walking free and notoriously righteous, impeccable Jesus condemned to die, we see the gospel. But we also know that the gospel is even better than what that limited scene communicates. We were like Barabbas in that scene. But where Barabbas remained guilty, we in Jesus are being made impeccably righteous. Impeccable Jesus’ mission was to make you and me impeccable. Mission accomplished. We walk in that reality imperfectly now, but we will see that reality perfectly fulfilled when he returns. For this reason we cry, “Come, Lord Jesus.”

[1] William G.T. Shedd, Dogmatic Theology, ed. Alan W. Gomes, Third Edition. (Phillipsburg, N.J.: P&R Publishing, 2005), 659,

The Scandalous Gospel

In D.A. Carson’s 2010 book Scandalous: The Cross and Resurrection of Jesus, he observes four ironies of the cross: (1) At the cross Jesus the King is mocked as king, (2) At the cross Jesus is utterly powerless, though he is powerful, (3) At the cross Jesus can’t save himself but saves others, and (4) At the cross Jesus cries out in despair but trusts in God. These ironies at the cross begin to get at the nature of the scandal of the crucifixion of Jesus. Something that is scandalous is something that shocks our sense of propriety or even seems to fly in the face of our collective sense of morality. Perhaps the sentence that most directly expresses the irony and the scandal of the entire reality of the cross is, “Imagine anything as scandalous as a crucified Messiah!” (139). A savior, let alone a savior who is meant to not only deliver but reign forever as King, should not die helplessly. This is scandalous. Well, keep in mind that this overall scandalous event is multifaceted in its implications with regard to our salvation. There are details that must be teased out and understood to fully appreciate what God has done for us in the cross of Jesus. And be warned, these details are also quite scandalous.

I want to highlight three scandalous details of the gospel.


Jesus the Righteous Condemned as Guilty

We cannot recognize the scandal of the cross without recognizing the righteousness of Jesus. Jesus was without sin. He was the only man with “clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully” (Psalm 24:4; 1 Peter 2:22). He was and is the only man who can ascend the mountain of the YHWH (Psalm 24:3). But not only was Jesus sinless in his earthly life. Jesus was also perfectly righteous in his works. “He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil” (Acts 10:38). Jesus was revealed to be and found to be righteous, innocent, and guiltless before men (Matthew 27:19; 23; Mark 15:14; Luke 23:4; John 18:38). And yet, righteous, innocent Jesus was condemned as guilty and crucified. This is scandalous. And the even more shocking reality is that Jesus the righteous actually became the very opposite of righteousness at the cross. He who knew no sin became sin (2 Corinthians 5:21). This is scandalous.


The Guilty Set Free

Built into the OT promise of the coming Messiah was that he would “proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of prison to those who are bound” (Isaiah 61:1). Jesus came to fulfill this prophesy (Luke 4:18). Guilty man lay bound, imprisoned, and enslaved by sin (Galatians 3:22; Romans 6:17). In reality, man’s enslavement and imprisonment to sin is his own doing. Man is rightly imprisoned under sin because man is guilty! But Jesus came to set the guilty sinner free through the forgiveness of sin (Romans 6:7, 18, 22).  At the cross, Jesus breaks the chains of the guilty sinner, and he sets the guilty free. This is scandalous.


The Guilty Made Righteous

Perhaps one of the more shocking realities of the gospel is that those who are guilty are actually transformed into the opposite. At the cross, the guilty are not set free simply because they were suddenly found to actually be innocent, as if the original conviction was based on faulty evidence. At the cross, the guilty are not set free and, yet, despite their freedom, still considered inherently guilty in the eyes of God and man, as if a sentence were merely commuted. The cross is more shocking than this. At the cross, the guilty are actually made righteous (2 Corinthians 5:21). Jesus’ righteousness becomes the guilty’s righteousness. God does not look at the guilty in the courtroom of his divine judgment and say, “You’re free to go, but still guilty!” God does not look at the guilty and say, “I find you not guilty because there is not enough evidence to convict.” God does not look at the guilty and say, “You are guilty, but I will simply consider you not guilty.” Rather, for those in Christ, God looks at the guilty in the courtroom of his divine judgment, and looking at the cross of Jesus he says, “Not guilty. And not only are you not guilty, but you are actually righteous!” This is scandalous.


The Scandalous Gospel, Our Salvation

In the gospel, Jesus the righteous and innocent, became sin by dying on the cross in the place of the guilty in order to both set the guilty sinner free and make the guilty righteous. This gospel is scandalous. But for the Christian, this scandalous gospel is our salvation, and it is glorious.

The Cup of Salvation and the Cup of Wrath

12 What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits to me? 13 I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord,

Psalm 116:12–13


What are the benefits the Lord has given to us? Well they are certainly many and varied. But they are bound up in the cup of salvation. How did we get that cup?

This weekend, I will be preaching out of Mark 14, focusing on verses 12–52. Here in this passage, we see a spectacular exchange. King Jesus gives us his cup of God’s salvation, and he takes and drinks our cup that was full to the brim of God’s wrath for sin.

In Mark 14:22–25 we see Jesus institute the Last Supper. He gives to his followers the cup of the new covenant that he says points to his blood, which is poured out for many (Mark 14:24). Of course his blood is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:28). It is Jesus’ sacrifice, his blood, that atoned for the sins of his people. His sacrifice cleanses sinful men from all uncleannesses (Ezekiel 36:25). His sacrifice, his blood, established a new covenant, a covenant of peace between God and his people that will prove to be the everlasting covenant that every Old Testament covenant and sacrifice pointed to (Jeremiah 31:31; Ezekiel 37:16). This table that Jesus’ followers sit at in Mark 14:22–25 turns out to be not simply a table that commemorates God’s past redemption of his people from slavery in Egypt. This table turns out to be the table of God’s salvation for all peoples, whom he will redeem out of slavery to sin and death. This is even more remarkable when we consider the guest list of those who were invited to this table.

Mark 14:22–25 is hemmed in on each side with a look at those who are at this table. First, in Mark 14:17–21, we see that Judas is at this table. The very one who will betray Jesus, handing him over to his death. A traitor sits at this table. And in Mark 14:26–31, we see that the other disciples aren’t what we might expect as guests either. They, Jesus says, are deserters. They will all fall away from him. They will abandon him. Jesus shares this table with one he knows will betray him and never come back to him, and he shares it with those he know will abandon him in his most distressing hour. Yet, even in light of this unlikely guest list, Jesus patiently shares his table with sinners, and he offers the cup of his salvation to all. We may wonder at this, the cup of God’s salvation offered to sinful rebellious man, but as the story progresses, we see that it inspires even more wonder. For there is another cup that must be attended too. The cup of God’s wrath for sin.

Jesus will not resist his betrayer, who proves not to be one of his own (John 6:64, 70–71; 17:12) rather he will give himself over willingly. Indeed, he as the model disciple of his Father, chooses not to hold onto his own life (Mark 8:34–35). Why? In order to serve his brothers and “give his life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45).” How would he do this? We’ve seen the first step—he gives his people the cup of his salvation. And now, Jesus will take the sinners cup full to the brim of God’s wrath for sin, and he will drink it to the dregs. We see a picture of Jesus’ faithfulness to do this in Gethsemane.

In Mark 14:32–42, Jesus wrestles with God. We see him in his full humanity express his desire to see the cup of God’s wrath pass from him. And we see the man Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, overcome the temptation to abandon God’s will when he submits completely to God’s will. He does so knowing it means utter rejection by man — including his closest friends —, physical torment, and torturous death. But more than that, it also means being forsaken by his Father. He must drink the poisonous cocktail of God’s cup of judgment mingled together with all sins, small and great. And when he does, he who knew no sin will become sin. And he will become the object of his Abba Father’s fiery wrath. And yet, in full knowledge of this, he says, “Yet not what I will, but what you will” (Mark 14:36).

It is here in Gethsemane that we see Jesus take the first drink from the cup and begin to taste the first flavors of its bitterness. Judas betrays him and man despises him. And his own people, Peter, James, John, and the others, despise and reject him. They hide their faces from him. And they esteem him not (Isaiah 53:3). They choose instead to hold onto their lives, thinking they are saving themselves, by they fleeing from Jesus (Mark 14:50–52). In reality, though, Jesus saves their lives by giving his when drains the full cup of God’s wrath in its full-bodied bitterness on the cross — “Out of the anguish of his soul he shall see and be satisfied; by his knowledge shall the righteous one, my servant, make many to be accounted righteous, and he shall bear their iniquities” (Isaiah 53:11).

What are the benefits the Lord has given to us? It is not less than the forgiveness of our sins contained in the cup of his salvation. He offers us this cup in Jesus, who took our sinners’ cup, full of God’s wrath and drank all of it for us. Jesus gives us the cup of his salvation and drinks the sinners’ cup, our cup, of God’s wrath.

What is the right response to such a benefit? What can we do? What shall we render back to the Lord? Ask for more. Lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord (Psalm 116:13).

The Image of God: Unity in Diversity


For the month of January at DGCC, we are considering together as a family the wonderful reality of man being made in God’s image. This glorious doctrine makes clear who God created us to be as humans. Humanity is the crown of God’s creation meant to reflect and represent God. Since man, then, is made in God’s image, it follows that man cannot properly reflect and represent God unless his also knows God. Therefore, essential to man being made in God’s image is the reality that God made man alone to be in special covenant relationship with him. Being made in God’s image, then, means that man alone reflects God, represents God, and remains in loving relationship with God. So, again, man cannot properly know himself and be himself if he does know God. To know God is to know who he created us to be, namely whole-hearted, lovers and worshipers of him as beneficiaries of his boundless love.[1]

This past Sunday, Coty’s sermon made clear that to reflect God’s character, to be the image of God, means that we should be givers, not takers. Namely, we should be givers of life to ourselves and others. This reality especially comes to bear in (1) our giving life to ourselves through availing ourselves of the grace found in the gospel of Jesus Christ and (2) our giving life to others by giving this same gospel to the lost. Giving life reflects God. We are the image of God when we give life. That was last week. This week, we gaze at and consider another facet of the image of God in man—unity in diversity.


The Triune God: Unity in Diversity

As stated above, to know what it means to be made in God’s image, we must first know God himself. And God is a God of unity in diversity. God is triune. That is, he is one God eternally existent in three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The eternally unbegotten Father, eternally begets the Son, and the Holy Spirit eternally proceeds from the Father and the Son (John 1:1–2, 18; Hebrews 1:5; 5:5; John 15:26). The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinguished in their personhood specifically by these distinct eternal relations of origin—the Father is eternally unbegotten, the Son is eternally begotten from the Father, and the Holy Spirit eternally proceeds from the Father and the Son.[2] And yet, though the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are truly distinct, they are truly one. He is the one God (Deuteronomy 6:4) eternally existing in three distinct persons. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three distinct persons with one divine nature, one divine essence. God is three in one. The Triune God defines unity in diversity. And God created man to reflect this.


Made in God’s Image: Unity in Diversity

God created humanity to reflect his divine unity in diversity. When God created man, “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27). First, God created man in his image. God created man to be his representative to all creation. God created man to live in his (God’s) presence, in union with him (God), and through that relationship, man would rightly reflect and represent him (God). This is unity in diversity of the most astounding order—creature man in loving union with his Creator God. Second, God created man male and female. God created humanity to reflect his unity in diversity by created humanity male and female. God created man and woman, who are united in their common origin of creation, their common creatureliness, their common union with God, and in their one flesh union with one another in marriage (Genesis 2:18–24). God created man in his image in that humanity, as male and female, reflects God’s unity in diversity.

So, God created man in his image, to reflect unity in diversity in man’s union with God and man’s union with his fellow man as male and female. However, the fall would mar both of these realities.


Sin: Disunity in Diversity

When sin entered the world at the Fall, man effectively severed the most essential component of his image of God nature—his relationship with God himself. Man cannot fully be the image of God without being in relationship with God. And, because of sin, God cursed man and sent him away from his presence (Genesis 3:22–24). Where there once was unity and peace with man and God, now there is disunity and hostility. Furthermore, sin broke the unity between man and man. First, sin damaged the unity in diversity exemplified by the husband and wife relationship (Genesis 3:16). And second, Scripture makes clear that sin also impaired the unity in diversity exemplified by human relationships in general. Sinful man is bent on not uniting with his fellow man but fighting and killing his fellow man. Brother kills brother (Genesis 4:1–16), violence fills the earth, and man sheds his fellow man’s blood (Genesis 6:9–13; 9:5–6). Sin broke unity in diversity and spawned disunity in diversity. But God promised to bring life through a promised offspring where Satan and man had brought death through sin (Genesis 3:15, 20).


Abrahamic Covenant: Blessing for All

As disunity and diversity increased upon the earth, God situated his promise to restore unity in diversity in the man Abram, through whom all the families of the earth shall be blessed (Genesis 12:1–3). God promises a unifying blessing for all the diverse families of the earth. And God promised that this blessing would come through Abraham’s offspring (Genesis 22:18). The gospel makes clear that this promised offspring of Abraham who would bring this blessing to man is Jesus Christ, the perfect image of God (Galatians 3:16).


Jesus, the Perfect Image of God

Jesus is the perfect image of God (Colossians 1:15). In Jesus’ dual nature, we behold the undoing of man and God’s hostility. God made man in his image, that is, to be in perfect, covenant relationship with him (God). But man rebelled and lost that essential piece of his image-of-God nature. But in Jesus, we see the perfect union between man and God. Jesus is fully God, and Jesus is fully man, unmixed and distinct with regard to his divinity and humanity, but one person. Jesus, the God-man, is the image of God par excellence, man united with God, and Jesus in his life and walk remained perfectly united to God the Father through his obedience (John 1:1; 5:19; 10:25–30; 12:49–50). The Son, by the incarnation, undid the broken union of God and man, and we, the church, are the beneficiaries.


The Church: Unity in Diversity

In the global and the local church, we see the miracle of restored unity in diversity that comes through the gospel of Jesus. First, in Christ, man’s union with God is restored—we are made his sons once again (Galatians 3:26). And second, in Christ our union with our fellow man is restored. Paul heralds this reality in Galatians 3:27–29,

For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise.

Paul is not heralding the reversal of diversity in this passage. Rather, he is heralding the reversal of hostility and injustices that exist due to sinful man’s skewed perception of diversity. First, Paul makes this clear by the scope of human relationships he mentions here, which includes not only diversity of the sexes (male and female) and cultural, ethnic, and/or racial diversity (Jew and Greek), but unnatural and unjust human relationships due to economic diversity (master and slave) as well. Sin has led to disunity, inequality, and injustices based solely on differences in sex, race, culture, and socioeconomic status. Second, Paul makes clear he is not talking about the flattening of diversity but the reversal of disunity based on diversity in a second way. He does so by his reasoning: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, etc…for you are all one in Christ.” Diversity is not done away with, rather disunity is eliminated when all are made one, undivided, in Christ. Where there was once hostility in diversity, in Christ there is now unity in diversity once again. Thus, in the global church and especially in the local church we see the image of God displayed in a way that is unique. In the local church, we see the image of God displayed by its unity in diversity in the fellowship of diverse saints from all walks of life.


The Image of God Fully Restored: Unity in Diversity in Revelation 7:9–10

There is perhaps no greater picture of this unity in diversity in Scripture than in Revelation 7:9–10,

After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!

Here we see the end goal—the telos—of the perfect image of God, Jesus’, great gospel work: man displaying God’s image perfectly once again. Here, man stands in the Triune God’s presence, united to him once more. And man is not a singular, monolithic, uniform people devoid of variety. Rather, man stands in God’s presence in all of his unified diversity—every tribe, every people, and every language. There in the new heaven and new earth we will be man in God’s image, unified with God and unified with our fellow man in common praise and worship of our king. There we will participate in perfect unity in diversity. In Christ, in the new heavens and new earth, we will be the image of God he created us to be.


[1] See Hoekema’s robust discussion of being man made in God’s image meaning to reflect, represent, and be in loving, covenantal relationship with God. Anthony A. Hoekema, Created in God’s Image, 1st ed. (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1994).

[2] See Scott Swain, The Trinity: An Introduction (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2020).

The Image of God: Undivided Love

For the month of January at DGCC, we are considering together as a family the wonderful reality of man being made in God’s image. This glorious doctrine makes clear who God created us to be as humans. Humanity is the crown of God’s creation meant to reflect and represent God. Since man, then, is made in God’s image, it follows that man cannot properly reflect and represent God unless his also knows God. Therefore, essential to man being made in God’s image is the reality that God made man alone to be in special relationship with him. Being made in God’s image means that man alone reflects God, represents God, and is in loving relationship with God. So, again, man cannot properly know himself and be himself if he does know God. To know God is to know who he created us to be, namely whole-hearted, lovers and worshipers of him as beneficiaries of his boundless love.[1] We can see this image of God in Mark 12:28–34.


In Mark 12:28–34, a scribe asks Jesus what the most important commandment is. Jesus responds in Mark 12:29–30 saying, “The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” Jesus points to Deuteronomy 6:4–5 which Moses proclaimed to Israel when they were on the cusp of the Promised Land. In this command, God calls on his people to love him. Why? Well, if we look closely at the text, we can discern two reasons: (1) God is one, and (2) God is their God.


God Is One: Love God Only and Wholly

First, they should love God because of who he is, namely, he is one. In the original context in Deuteronomy, God’s people are about to enter into the land of Canaan, which is a land of many “gods,” who are really not gods at all. God alone is God. He says so himself, “I am the Lord, and there is no other, besides me there is no God” (Isaiah 45:5). So God makes clear in this command to his people that he is the only God, therefore he should be the only God they love. They should not give their affections and love to the many idols and false gods they will encounter in the Promised Land. They should love God alone because he is the only God. To love God in this way is to reflect and represent God. But there is more to God being one than just his uniqueness.


Notice the entire command. According to Jesus in Mark 12:29–30, God commands his people to love him [the Lord your God] “with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all you strength. You could translate this “love the Lord your God from your whole heart, and from your whole soul, and from your whole mind, and from your whole strength.” The command is to not simply love God only but to love God wholly, with your whole being. The command is to be completely undivided in your love for God. Why? Because he is one. Because God is undivided in himself. God, the only and the one God, is perfectly united in his affection for himself. He is completely satisfied in himself and has no need of anyone or anything. He loves himself with a whole, undivided love. Indeed, if he needed another he would not be God. And, if he were to love another more than himself he would either not be God or he would be an idolater. We are to love God wholly because God is one, undivided in himself. Therefore, to love God in this way is to reflect and represent God. We often don’t do either of these (loving God only and wholly) very well, though.


Sinful man expertly divides his love. In our sinfulness we don’t want to give our love only and wholly to God. We’d rather divide our loves between God and other gods whether it is work, a hobby, a relationship, a particular vice, or any other idol we make in our image. Indeed, all of our divided loves have one thing in common: they serve the god of self. We divide our love amongst other things because we want to love ourselves only and wholly. In truth, then, divided love for God is not love for God at all. It is love for self, and God simply becomes another self-serving idol that we recreate in our image to meet our desires. What we ultimately find when we divide our loves in this way, is that nothing we set our affections on gives us any life or love in return. Rather, all of these things ultimately steal our life from us. Indeed, we can only rightly love and enjoy the things of earth when our loves are ordered correctly. Only when God alone receives our whole love can we truly begin to enjoy and love his gifts in creation. This is because we were made not to be loved by and love ourselves. Rather, we were made to be loved by and love God. This leads to the second reason we should love God in this command.


God Is Their God: Love the God Who Loved You

The second reason built into the command to love God in Deuteronomy 6:4–5 that Jesus quotes is this: God is their God. “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 6:4–5). These pronouns, our and your are important. Recall again, this command was first given to Israel after God had saved them. God is their God because he redeemed Israel out of slavery in Egypt, covenanted with them, made them his own, and loved them. God is their God because he invited their pagan forefather, Abram, into loving covenant with him (Genesis 12:1–3). They are to love God because he has first loved them and brought them into relationship with him by his grace. This OT reality points to what we celebrate in the new covenant. God redeemed us through the gospel of Jesus while we were his enemies. Through Jesus, God showers his love on us and brings us into loving relationship with himself. And the proper response is to be who he made us to be, lovers and worshipers of him wholly and only—ones who reflect, represent, and are in loving relationship with him.


The Image of God: Loved By and Loving God

God made us in his image to reflect and represent him. But we cannot do this until we realize that we were made to be loved by and to love God only and wholly. We are the beneficiaries of the one, undivided, self-sufficient, needless God’s love. In Christ, God loves us first so that we can wholly love him once again. We not only reflect and represent God, but we are in loving relationship with him. God made us to be whole-hearted lovers and worshipers of him, the one God, as beneficiaries of his boundless, undivided love. This is man, made in the image of God.

[1] See Hoekema’s robust discussion of man being made in God’s image in order to reflect, represent, and be in loving, covenantal relationship with God. Anthony A. Hoekema, Created in God’s Image, 1st ed. (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1994).

The Gift of God in Jesus

Gifts and the Gospel

Let’s talk about gifts.

Christmas day has come and gone and many of us gave and received gifts. Some of us gave an expensive gift and some of us received an expensive gift. Some of us gave a less expensive gift and some of received a less expensive gift. Perhaps it was a mix of both. But, whether we gave or received an expensive or less expensive gift, each gift had a cost associated with it. Every gift given or received cost someone something.

Now let’s talk about the gospel.

In the gospel, God gave us the greatest gift of all in his Son, Jesus (John 3:16). Jesus even refers to himself (and everything that comes with him—the eternal life or living water he brings and the Holy Spirit) as “the gift of God” —“Jesus answered [the woman at the well], ‘If you knew the gift (δωρεά) of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water” (John 4:10). Jesus is the greatest gift.

One of the best ways to see and appreciate Jesus’ superiority is to observe how he fulfills what others in the redemptive narrative of Scripture pointed to. One of the best characters to study for this purpose, a man whose life pointed to and anticipated Jesus in many ways, is King David.


King David’s Christlikeness

In 1 Chronicles 21:18–22:1, King David intercedes for his kingdom and Jerusalem by offering a sacrifice. Why did he need to do this? Well, God had sent an angel to destroy Jerusalem because of David’s sin of taking a census of Israel (1 Chronicles 21:1–17). In response, David pleaded with God to spare the people from the plague and to let God’s wrath fall on him and his household alone since he was the one who sinned (1 Chronicles 21:17). So, God commands David to go and build an altar and to make sacrifice to the LORD at the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite (1 Chronicles 21:18). And here, David does something remarkable.

When David comes to acquire the threshing floor, David buys it at full price. Why is this remarkable? Well, David could have exercised his divine right as king and simply taken the threshing floor. In fact, Ornan tries to give it, along with the oxen and wood, to David for free. But David will not accept Ornan’s offer. Why? David says why: “No, but I will buy them for the full price. I will not take for the LORD what is yours, nor offer burnt offerings that cost me nothing” (1 Chronicles 21:24, emphasis mine). The Greek translation of the OT, the LXX, could be woodenly translated into English, “I should certainly not take what is yours for the LORD, to carry up as a burnt offering gift (δωρεά) to the LORD” (my translation; Notice, the LXX uses the same word here for gift [δωρεά] that appears in John 4:10 to describe the gift of God in Jesus and the eternal life he brings). David will not offer a gift that costs him nothing. Therefore, he buys the threshing floor, offers sacrifices, and the LORD accepts them and spares Jerusalem. David then announces that the temple and altar will be built at this location, the threshing floor of Ornan.

How does this point us to the superiority of the gift of the person of Jesus? Well, we know that David, as a King of Israel, is a type of Christ. He points to and anticipates the greater David, the promised Son of David (1 Chronicles 17:11–14). And here we see King David looking Christlike in that he successfully intercedes on behalf God’s people by offering a sacrifice. But to fully appreciate how Jesus is supreme, we don’t just note the similarities. We look for the differences.


King Jesus’ Superiority

The differences between David here in 1 Chronicles 21:18–22:1 and Jesus are stunning.


Sinful David intercedes for God’s people because they suffer the consequences of his sin (1 Chronicles 21:17; cf. 21:1–17).

Righteous Jesus intercedes for God’s people because they suffer the consequences of their own sin (1 Peter 3:18).


David tries to offer himself as a substitutionary sacrifice for God’s people (1 Chronicles 21:17).

Jesus does offer himself as a substitutionary sacrifice for God’s people (Ephesians 5:2; Hebrews 10:10, 12).


David’s gift to save God’s people costs him 600 shekels of gold (1 Chronicles 21:25).

Jesus’ gift to save God’s people costs him his life (Mark 10:45; Romans 5; Philippians 2:5–8)


David’s sacrifice leads to the building of God’s house, the temple, made of stone and brick (1 Chronicles 22:1; 2 Chronicles 3:1)

Jesus’ sacrifice leads to the building of God’s spiritual house, his temple, made of living stones, his people (Ephesians 2:19–22; 1 Peter 2:1–5; Revelation 21:1–3).


Jesus is the better David. The better king. God’s people do not suffer due to his sinfulness. Rather God’s people are healed and saved by his holy righteousness. Jesus does not simply try to lay down his life as an acceptable offering to God. Jesus successfully lays down his life as an acceptable offering to God. Jesus does not purchase us as God’s people with silver and gold. Jesus purchases us with his infinitely valuable blood that never diminishes in value. Jesus does not build a temple with wood and stone in a fixed location. Jesus builds a living temple of God’s people inhabited his own Holy Spirit so that God’s people worship him in spirit and in truth no matter where they are (John 4:21–24). And through Jesus, God does dwell in the midst of his people now and will dwell in the midst of his people forever (Revelation 21:1–3). Jesus is the greatest gift.


The Gift of God in Jesus

Gifts come in all shapes and sizes. They come with different costs. But all earthly gifts, even our favorite gifts that we received this Christmas, pale in comparison to the gift of God. In Jesus, God has given us the gift of his very own Son. God has given us eternal life. God has given us his very own Spirit. Jesus is the greatest gift because Jesus gives us everything. Jesus gives us his own life so that we might have God. Through the gift of Jesus, then, God gives us himself.

So as we joyfully reflect on our gift giving and receiving from this past Christmas—and let us enjoy those gifts fully—let the taste of joy those gifts give us be just that, a taste. And let that taste of joy remind us of the supreme gift God has given us in his Son, Jesus, who gives us everything. Because if you know the gift of God, and who it is who offers us that gift, then you will ask him, and he will give you the fullest taste of living water (John 4:10).

Advent: Jesus Came to Be Your Curse and Your Cleansing

And they came to Jerusalem. And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold and those who bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons… As they passed by in the morning, they saw the fig tree withered away to its roots.  And Peter remembered and said to him, “Rabbi, look! The fig tree that you cursed has withered.” (Mark 11:15, 20)


Why did Jesus, the Son of God, come to earth over two-thousand years ago, his first advent? And what awaits us at his return, his second advent? As we’ve seen in this series, these are questions we should always ask, but they are especially fresh on our minds in the Advent season. And there are a myriad of ways to answer these questions from Scripture. We saw last week that according to Mark 10:46–11:11, Jesus came in order to reign as your king. He reigns now on the throne in heaven and on the throne of our hearts. And at his return, he will reign on earth, and we will reign with him forever. We saw in that passage, that Jesus’ path to the throne was through the cross. And because of the cross, he is a king who gives boundless mercy. This is because, at the cross Jesus reversed the curse and cleansed his sinful people. Here, then, we arrive at another answer to the question of why Jesus came: Jesus came to be your curse and your cleansing.


A Curse and A Cleansing in Mark 11:12–25

In Mark 10:46–52, Jesus proves to be the promised Son of David who gives his people mercy in the healing of blind Bartimaeus. Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, complete with him riding a donkey (see Zechariah 9:9) and the people singing a song of God’s salvation (see Psalm 118:25–26) caps off the miracle, pointing to Jesus as the promised king who brings salvation to God’s people through mercy. Right after all of this, we see Jesus’ “first act as king” if you will: he cleanses the temple (Mark 11:15–19). However, Mark sandwiches Jesus’ temple cleansing in between Jesus’ cursing of a fig tree (Mark 11:12–14, 20–25). Taken together, this reveals Jesus purpose to take the curse from and cleanse his people.


Of Figs, Fig Trees, and God’s People

A few times in the Old Testament, God compares his people to figs or fig trees (Hosea 9:10; Jeremiah 8:13; 24:1–5). Jesus himself will use agrarian imagery to describe Israel in Mark 12:1–12 where he uses a vineyard to symbolize them in his parable of the unfaithful tenants. And here in Mark 11:12–25, Mark parallels a fruitless fig tree with Israel, the house of God, and the temple, which is in need of cleansing. Israel has failed to bear fruit. They have not loved God with all of their heart, soul, and might (Deuteronomy 6:4–5). They have not loved their neighbor as themselves (Leviticus 19:18). They have not kept covenant with God and have not been his treasured possession out of all peoples on the earth (Exodus 6:7; 19:5). Moreover, not only have they not borne good fruit, they have actually borne bad fruit.


God’s People and His Temple: Cleansed

In the OT, Israel was distinct from all other peoples. Their distinct identity was rooted in the reality that God dwelled in their midst in the temple (Exodus 29:45; 33:14–16; Leviticus 26:12). God’s people and the place of their identity, the temple where God dwelled, should have been a house for all peoples (Mark 11:17; see Isaiah 56:7) no matter their social status or ethnicity. If foreigners “join themselves to the LORD, to love the name of the LORD” they are welcomed by God (Isaiah 56:6–7). And God “gathers the outcasts” to himself (Isaiah 56:8). But, as Jesus’ actions and words make clear in Mark 11:15–19, the people by their sin have turned the house of Israel and the temple “into a den of robbers” (Mark 11:17; see Jeremiah 7:10). This is a sweeping condemnation that speaks to more than extortion. In context, the term for “robbers” in Jeremiah 7:10, which Jesus quotes, speaks of sinful violence and evil of all manner directed not only at neighbor but at God and his covenant (Jeremiah 7:8–12). Israel has borne the fruit of sin and evil. And now their king has come and, in an act of authoritative judgment, cleaned house. The parallel is clear, Israel has failed to bear good fruit, and just like the fruitless fig tree, they receive judgment. However, they receive a judgment that results in a cleansing.


Curse and Forgiveness

We see in Mark 11:20–21, when Jesus and his disciples pass by the fig tree again the next morning after Jesus’ temple cleansing, that the fig tree Jesus cursed has withered away. The consequence of breaking covenant with God is covenant curse resulting in death and destruction (Deuteronomy 28:45). But surprisingly, when the disciples point out the fig tree, Jesus does not begin to teach them about the breaking of covenants and the curse and death that results nor how all of this with the tree is meant to illustrate what Jesus did in the temple the day before. Rather, Jesus begins to teach them about faith. He responds with, “Have faith in God” (Mark 11:22). And then Jesus goes on to teach that the prayer of faith can do miraculous, earth-moving things. He teaches that if one prays with faith devoid of doubt, they will receive what they ask. This can seem disconnected until we see Jesus begin to speak about praying for forgiveness in verse 25. The greatest miracle that the prayer of faith brings about is the miracle of forgiveness from sins. This is the gospel thread that binds these two episodes, the cursed fig tree and the temple cleansing, together.


Gospel: Jesus Becomes Your Curse and Your Cleansing

The sins of God’s people demand judgment, curse, and destruction of the offenders. However, Jesus makes clear in his temple actions that with this judgment will come a cleansing away of the sin. Here is the twist. The gospel tells us that this judgment, the curse of sin and the destruction of death, did not ultimately fall on God’s people. Rather, the judgment fell on their representative, their rightful, sinless king, Jesus, at the cross. “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree’” (Galatians 3:13). Through becoming our curse, the king “gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his possession” once again (Titus 2:14). Jesus purifies us, that is he “cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). The prayer of faith will take hold of Jesus and this gospel—trusting that God has cast into the sea the mountain of sin and violence that we’ve committed against others and against him—, and the one who prays it will receive not curse but forgiveness. Jesus came to become our curse and our cleansing. All other prayers of faith will flow from this reality.


Jesus’ Second Advent

Because Jesus became our curse and our cleansing, our identity is restored. We truly are God’s treasured possession (Titus 2:14; cf. Exodus 6:7; 19:5). God in Christ dwells with us now and we with him through the Holy Spirit (Matt 28:20; Romans 8:9; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 2 Corinthians 13:14; cf. Exodus 29:45; 33:14–16; Leviticus 26:12). However, we still long for our heavenly dwelling in the new heavens and new earth (2 Corinthians 5:2). At that time, all the clinging remnants of sin and death will perish forever (1 Corinthians 15:53–54). In that place, it will be said “ ‘Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:3–4).


Remembering Jesus’ First Advent, Looking to Jesus’ Second Advent

Jesus came to be your curse and your cleansing so that God dwells with us again right now by the Holy Spirit. And Jesus will come again so that we may dwell with God forever in the new heavens and new earth, where sin, sadness, pain, and death shall never tread again. This is why Jesus came. This is what we remember and this is what we look forward to this Advent season.