A Picture of Mao in Hell

[Sunday February 6 we consider 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11, which says in part: “The day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, ‘There is peace and security,’ then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” Randy Alcorn’s book Safely Home attempts to describe what this destruction looks like. The book tells the story of Ben Fielding, a high-powered corporate executive in a multinational firm with factories in China, and Li Quan, Ben’s college roommate whom he locates after twenty years and visits. Expecting Li to be a successful university professor, Ben instead finds that his Harvard-educated friend is a strong believer in Jesus, a leader in a house church, and – because of persecution – a locksmith’s apprentice. Li Quan’s faith, the persecution that he encounters, and Ben’s reaction to that persecution form the structure of the novel. Alcorn is not trying to write great literature; instead, he is trying to communicate biblical truth in a way that is engaging, interesting, and accessible. By that standard, this book is excellent. Alcorn is a reliable interpreter of the Word, and uses the medium of the novel to teach:

  • the reality of persecution today;
  • how to fight the fight of faith in the midst of suffering;
  • the reality of the spiritual world around us;
  • the nature of heaven;
  • the nature of hell

After reading the first hundred pages, I found myself praying more regularly and more fervently for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world. That alone makes reading Safely Home worthwhile. I strongly recommend it.

Below find Alcorn’s picture of Mao Zedong – the founder of the People’s Republic of China – in hell. Read it – and weep – and witness – Coty]

Where is my palace? Where are my servants? Does no one know who I am?

The vast, cold darkness cut into his face. It felt like intense frostbite, burning his skin.

I was the most powerful man in Zhongguo. I created the People’s Republic. I was the revered father of my country. They worshiped me. I was god! He waited, listening to the silence. Cannot anyone hear me?

His voice disappeared into the great dark void. It did not echo, for there was nothing for it to echo off. It was immediately absorbed into infinite nothingness. His words went no farther than his blistered lips.

A parade of untold millions marched inside his mind’s eye. His sentence was to relive the suffering of each of his victims. He had been here over twenty-five years. Every minute of those years he had relived the sufferings he inflicted on others. Every torture his regime inflicted he now received, one after the next after the next. Eventually, perhaps, they would start over, so the millions he had already endured were but the first installment. The pain was unbearable, yet he had no choice but to bear it. There was no escape into unconsciousness – no drug to take, no sleeping pill, no alcohol. That which he had laid upon others was now laid upon him – endlessly, relentlessly.

He longed to pluck out his eyes, to keep from seeing what he saw, to puncture his eardrums to keep from hearing the wailing misery, to pull out his tongue to keep from tasting the awfulness he had legislated. But he had no ability to destroy himself. He had no control now over his destiny, no power over himself or others. There was no one he could command to fix the situation, no one to prepare him an eight-course meal to assuage the eternal hunger, no one to do his work, no one to punish for their errors. No one to salute him, cower at his voice, or bow heads in his presence.

Where is everyone?

Misery loves company, and he had long sought the consolation of others. But all others were still on earth, secure in heaven, or confined to their own private hells at distances immeasurable.

The aloneness was stifling. He could hear nothing but his victims’ cries, feel nothing but their pain, see nothing but their blood, taste nothing but their vomit, sense nothing but their torture. He had only himself. He could not enjoy his own company, for he saw himself as he really was. It was an ugly sight, revolting beyond comprehension.

He felt a burning. A fury welled up inside him. Anger and bitterness, unfocused hostility, frustration leading him to lash out. But there was no one to lash out at. No incompetent aide, no dissident, no Christian pastor, no helpless peasant. No one to beat or shoot or hang or starve. No one to cower in fear at the power of the great chairman, architect of the Republic. No one to shine his shoes or rub lotion upon his burning feet.

Grief and rage warred within him. His hell was a growing cancer, gnawing at him, eating away at him, devouring him. He was like a bush that burned yet was not consumed, so the burning could never stop.

He had come to death entirely unprepared – and now it was too late to prepare. If the torture was not enough, a sickening feeling of foreboding had gripped him from his first moments here. He had hoped it would subside, that he would get used to it. He hadn’t. It only got worse.

He could see now through all his rationalizations. His arguments against belief in a Creator had never been intellectual ones, as he had claimed. By rejecting a Creator he thought he could rid himself of a Judge. But it had not worked. His atheism had been the opiate of his soul and the executioner of uncalculated millions. But now his comforting atheism could no longer exist, even for a fleeting moment, for he had been forever stripped of the power to deny reality.

He had lived his short todays as if there were no long tomorrows. He had believed the lie that all were accountable to him and he was accountable to none. He had believed the lie that death would slip him into eternal unconsciousness. He knew now – how well he knew – the curse of always being awake, ever alert, unable to allay his suffering with a moment’s sleep or distraction.

The winds of hell blew upon him. On them floated sounds of laughter and joy from a place far distant. These voices were torture. Many he recognized as belonging to Christians he had persecuted, worshipers of the Carpenter he had murdered. He relived what he had done to them, this time on the other end of the cattle prod. By the time he had died, while he and all he stood for were in decline, they and all they embraced were in ascent. They had beaten him. Their King had dethroned him even in the other life – how much more in this one.

As they celebrated in their far-off realm, at first he had imagined they were cursing him, celebrating his demise. He thought of them as his eternal enemies who would forever speak of what a great foe he had been to them. But he had come to realize something far worse. They did not curse him. They did not relive his great campaigns against him. No. They simply did not think of him at all. He was unimportant. Insignificant. In the eternal scheme of things, he did not matter.

Not matter? How dare they ignore me! Don’t they know who I am?

He had said, “I want there to be no God; I want nothing to do with him.” His atheist’s prayer had been answered. The everywhere-present God had chosen to withdraw his presence from this single place, turning it into a cosmic desert. This was a ghetto of massive proportions, yet so small it could slip through a single crack in the tiles of heaven. It was located in some distant and empty place, never to be feared or even stumbled upon by the citizens of Charis. His life, with all his supposed accomplishments, was but a puff of smoke, dissipating into nothingness.

Stop what you’re doing and listen to me! Stop or I will… I will…

No power to give meaning to a threat. No reason to be listened to. And no one to hear him.

Thirst without water to quench it. Hunger without food to satisfy it. Loneliness without company to alleviate it. There was no God here. He’d gotten his wish. On earth he’d managed to reject God while still enjoying his blessings and provisions. But it was excruciatingly clear now that God was the author of good. Therefore the absence of God meant the absence of good. He could not have it both ways, not here. No God, no good. Forever.

He had wanted a world where no one else was in charge, where no order was forced upon him. He had finally gotten it. He had secretly wondered if there was something beyond death, but if he went to hell, he’d fully expected to rule there. Yet there was no king, for there were no subjects. Only one prisoner – himself – in eternal solitary confinement.

He missed the sound of laughter. There was no laughter here, nor could there be, for laughter cannot exist without joy or hope. An awful realization gripped him. There was no history here. No story line. No opening scene, no developing plot, no climax, no resolution. No character development. No travel, no movement. Only a setting of constant nothingness, going nowhere. Excruciating, eternal boredom. Nothing to distract him from the torment of the eternal now.

He had charmed his friends and cheated his enemies, but death he could not cheat, hell he could not charm. This nameless, ever-shriveling man writhed in terror. Faced with his own deeds, punished by them, he was receiving in himself the penalty for what he had done. He longed for a visit from a foreign dignitary, delivered by a courier, a request for an audience in his illustrious presence. But no. He knew now none would ever come, or even want to. He could not return to Beijing – and knew Beijing itself would soon be gone, a flower withered in a summer’s wind. Perhaps it was gone already.

No one to fear him. No one to revere him. No one to hear him. No one to think about him.

He who had claimed to be savior was forever without a Savior. Ignored and insignificant. Empty and embittered and regretful. Without a following. Without a heart. Without a hope.

Forever, time without end.

[From Safely Home by Randy Alcorn (Tyndale House, 2001), p. 327-330. The first chapter of the book is available online. Visit www.epm.org for more resources from the author, or to order the book. Note that all royalties from its sale are used to help persecuted Christians and to spread the Gospel in their countries.]


What Leads to Abortion?

January 22 marked the 49th anniversary of the Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision that overturned limitations on abortion in almost every state. Since that time, about 60 million unborn children have been aborted in this country.

Three years after that decision, I was a 20-year-old junior at Davidson. I professed Christ, but thought I knew better than Scripture what was right and what was wrong. I had been in a relationship for more than a year with a young woman – let’s call her Susan. We were involved sexually –that was one area where I thought my moral judgment was superior to Scripture. But I thought – if we are involved this way, we should be responsible and make plans for what we would do should she become pregnant. So I told her: Should that happen, we can get an abortion in Charlotte.

Susan said something like: “I don’t want to get pregnant. We’ll be careful so there’s little likelihood that I’ll get pregnant. But should that happen- I want to keep our baby.”

She said: “Our baby.”

I had thought of the possible pregnancy as

  • inconvenient,
  • unsettling,
  • a distraction from our plans,
  • a problem we would have to deal with.

And Susan said: “Our baby.”

She rightly saw that possible pregnancy as the beginning of a life – the life of our child. I, that potential child’s father, had planned to do away with him or her. That is: had planned to kill him or her. If – as Jesus says – a man who lusts after a woman has already committed adultery (Matthew 5:27-28), surely the man who would have advocated abortion, who planned to pay for an abortion, is already guilty of it. I am guilty.

I’m sad to say that that sobering moment in 1976 did not lead to an immediate change in my actions or in my attitude. But her statement did plant a seed that eventually sprouted and grew to a horror over abortion.

I tell that story to make clear: I’m guilty of this evil. If you have had an abortion or if you have advocated for an abortion, I share your guilt. Indeed, the message of this sermon is: All of us are guilty of what leads to abortion. The same factors that influence mothers to abort their children, the same factors that lead fathers to want their children aborted, influence all of us, tempt all of us to assert our autonomy and reject the God of the universe.

We guilty sinners have only one hope. And that one hope is a merciful and gracious God Who sent His Son to die for guilty sinners like us so that we might believe in Him and so be saved. We need to believe this Gospel. And we need the light of God’s Word to shine its truth on us, clarifying our thoughts, laying bare the lies, the falsehoods that lead us down the path to destruction. I pray that God would do that now, even in this sermon.

Three headings today:

  • Abortion Kills a Person
  • What Leads to Abortion?
  • What Does God Say?

Abortion Kills a Person

For many years abortion advocates argued that the fetus (and of course they deliberately use that technical-sounding term Instead of “baby” or “child” or “infant” – words matter) is just a lump of tissue, part of the mother’s body, and thus has no more moral standing than your appendix. Such statements are less prevalent now, in part because of the advances in ultrasound technology – we now can see these little ones only a handful of weeks after conception.

But thousands of years before ultrasounds, God made clear in His revelation: That “fetus” is a person, is a human baby. We’ll note three ways He does that this morning (we could add more).

First: Scripture uses the same word for children before and after birth.

As noted, those who advocate abortion consciously use “fetus” to distinguish that supposed lump of tissue from a baby. The authors of Scripture – and thus God Himself – use the same word in both Hebrew and Greek. Check it out. Genesis 25:22 refers to Jacob and Esau in the womb by the same Hebrew word used for Moses after he is born in Exodus 2:2. In the New Testament, Luke 1:41 refers to John the Baptist in Elizabeth’s womb by the same word used of Jesus after He is born in the next chapter (Luke 2:12).

Second: John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit in his mother’s womb.

That’s what the angel Gabriel says (Luke 1:15). Your appendix cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit. A lump of tissue cannot respond to the presence of the incarnate Son of God (also in utero) as the unborn John the Baptist does in Luke 1:41.

Third: David – and all of us – were sinners the moment we were conceived.

David writes, “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me” (Psalm 51:5 ESV). Or, as the NET renders that verse: “Look, I was guilty of sin from birth, a sinner the moment my mother conceived me.” As the Apostle Paul teaches in Romans 5, sin entered the world through Adam, and all of us inherit that sin, then add to it. An appendix cannot be a sinner.

So, yes: Unborn children are human persons. Scripture makes that clear. Abortion kills a person.

What leads to abortion?

Listen to the following statements. Do they sound familiar?

  • “My body is mine – I can do what I want with it!”
  • “As long as I’m not hurting someone else, who are you to tell me what is right and wrong?”
  • “I know who I am. Only I can know who I am. I know what I need to do to fulfill who I am.”

These are all claims to autonomy, to independence, to self-sovereignty. Though people rarely refer explicitly to God in such statements, implicitly they are saying, “My body is mine, not God’s;” “God can’t tell me what is right and wrong;” “God can’t tell me who I am, what I need to do to fulfill who I am.”

You can see how such attitudes lead to abortion:

  • “My uterus is part of my body – I can do what I want with it.”
  • “This fetus is part of my body – I know it’s right to get rid of it.”
  • “I know that having a baby now would not fulfill my identity, so I will do away with it”

Some who make statements like these then proceed with abortions, apparently with no qualms. Some are even proud of their abortions. Others go into abortion with many qualms and misgivings, thinking, “I’m trapped – all options are terrible, all seem bad – but abortion seems the least bad.” Or, someone with a church background who in the past has thought abortion to be wrong might think, “I can’t follow what God says because it’s too hard, too painful, too disruptive.” While even others are more like my 20-year-old self, not pondering the issue at all, just assuming abortion to be the responsible, right action.

But, you see, both those with qualms and those who are unthinking are, like those with no qualms, rejecting God’s sovereignty and asserting their autonomy. They are acting as if there is no God ruling over them, as if they are not created, contingent beings.

This attitude leads to abortion. This attitude leads to almost every sin. It’s often unstated. It’s often not even conscious. But when we reject what God says and choose our own path, we say by our actions, “You do not rule me, God. I rule myself.”

What Does God Say?

We could look at many specific statements from Scripture to combat this attitude. In a bit, we will look at a few. But the primary, most powerful argument against this attitude, comes from the overarching story of the Bible. Here’s a summary:

God created mankind for a purpose: To glorify Him by trusting Him, depending on Him, and enjoying Him forever. But the first man and the first woman rejected that purpose by asserting their autonomy. They acted as if they knew better than God what was in their own interest. So believing Satan’s lie, they rebelled against God. All of us since then, throughout history, are infected with that rebellion.

God would have been just, He would have been righteous to destroy all humanity after that initial rebellion. Instead, He instituted a plan – a plan to create a new, redeemed, perfected humanity that would fulfill His purpose.

He promised that a descendant of the first woman would crush the head of Satan (Genesis 3:15). Later He chose one man, Abram, out of this rebellious world, and promised that through his descendant God would bless all the families of the nations (Genesis 12:1-3). Although his descendants, the Hebrews, are rebellious themselves century after century, od continues to carry out His plan faithfully. He shows them that sin and rebellion necessitate a death if justice is to be done. Eventually from His people He raises up a king, David, and promises that this man’s descendant will rule over an eternal kingdom of righteousness and peace (2 Samuel 7:12-16, Isaiah 9:6-7). Indeed, He promises that a suffering servant will take on himself the just punishment for the people’s rebellion (Isaiah 53:4-6).

The people clearly show that they cannot fix themselves. God’s plan, God’s action alone can fulfill His purpose for humanity. They are dependent. He is sovereign.

So, at exactly the right time, God sent His Son Jesus into the world. He alone of all those born to women was not infected with sin from conception. He alone of all humanity loved God with all His heart, soul, mind, and strength every minute of every day. He alone of all humanity loved every person He encountered as He loved Himself. Thus He alone of all humanity did not deserve to die for His own sins.

Fulfilling God’s plan, rebellious humans then killed Him, nailing Him to the cross. Through that act, God fulfilled the promise of a suffering servant dying for the sins of His people. God then raised Him from the dead, exalting Him to His right hand, where He reigns until He returns to crush Satan’s head and to conquer all rebels, establishing His promised eternal kingdom. God then sent His Holy Spirit to open the eyes of rebels, to bring us to faith in Jesus, and to empower us to go to every tribe, tongue, people, and nation to speak this Gospel. God thereby is fulfilling His promise to Abram that some from every people group will believe. We see that great fulfillment in Revelation 7:9-12.

That’s the story of the Bible.

It’s not the existentialist story of courageous men and women looking inside themselves, deciding who they are, and boldly striking out on their own to fulfill their purpose.

It’s a story:

  • of man’s inability and God’s ability,
  • of man’s evil and God’s goodness,
  • of our moral darkness, and God’s moral light,
  • of man’s repeated failures, and God’s continual faithfulness,
  • of man’s dependence on God for anything good and God’s grace in showering us with undeserved goodness.

That overarching story shows clearly that the lies that lead to abortion and other sins are indeed lies. Only God can tell us what is right and wrong. Only God can tell us how to fulfill our purpose. We do not belong to ourselves. We belong to Him by right of creation – He made us for Himself – and by right of redemption – He gives us life when our rebellion deserves death.

Although we can draw those conclusions from the overarching story of the Bible, as promised, now let’s look at some specific texts that counter the three primary lies mentioned above. Having seen the big story, the specific statements become that much more powerful.

First Lie: “My body is my own.”

The Word: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own,  for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Your body is not your own. Your body belongs to God.

Second Lie: “Only I can decide what is right and wrong for me.”

The Word: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9).

The Hebrews word translated “heart” refers not only to desires, but to the entire inner self, including the mind. This verse tells us that we cannot think straight. Our moral sense fails, again and again and again. We rationalize and justify all sorts of evil. The story of the Bible brings this out hundreds of times. Thus Proverbs 28:26: “Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered [by God].” (The word translated “mind” in this verse is the same word translated “heart” in Jeremiah 17:9). Similarly Proverbs 14:12: “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.” Think of walking along a trail and coming to a fork. The trail to the right looks easy, while the trail to the left looks exceptionally challenging. The trail to the right seems better – but God tells you what you can’t know on your own: There is great danger around the corner of the supposedly easier trail. Will you believe Him?

Third Lie: “Only I can forge my identity. God’s way would hinder me from becoming who I really am.”

The Word: Isaiah 48:17: “Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: ‘I am the LORD your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you in the way you should go” (emphasis added). He has to teach us to profit, to teach us what will be to our good. Indeed, that’s why He gives us commandments: Deuteronomy 10:13 (NET):  “Keep the Lord’s commandments and statutes that I am giving you today for your own good” (emphasis added). His commandments are not arbitrary. Nor are they simply His preferences, for His good. His way, His road, is the road to life – as Isaiah 55:1-3 tells us:

Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters;
and he who has no money, come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread,
and your labor for that which does not satisfy?
Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good,
and delight yourselves in rich food.
Incline your ear, and come to me;
hear, that your soul may live (emphasis added).

Far from hindering you from becoming who you really are, God’s way is the way to true life, to true joy, to true fulfillment.

So we’ve seen both from the overarching story of the Bible and from specific texts that the attitudes that lead to abortion and other sins are all lies. They are falsehoods. They lead in the end to sorrow, to failure, to death, to destruction.

Instead of such arrogant, rebellious attitudes, Scripture tells us:

  • Come to God as little children;
  • Submit to His wisdom, His strength;
  • Delight in your dependence on Him.

As Jesus says in Matthew 18:3: “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” So the Psalmist writes:

O LORD, my heart is not lifted up; my eyes are not raised too high;
I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me.
But I have calmed and quieted my soul,
like a weaned child with its mother;
like a weaned child is my soul within me.
O Israel, hope in the LORD from this time forth and forevermore (Psalm 131).

When we become like children, we come to God acknowledging that we don’t know what is best for us. My three-year-old grandson Simon apart from his parents’ intervention would eat nothing but fruit. Similarly my 7-month-old grandson Shepherd would gobble up watermelon, even though it gives him hives. They need loving guidance; they need restrictions; so do we all. God graciously gives us such guidance in His Word – through its overall story and through specific texts.


As you know, the Supreme Court is considering a case that could overturn Roe v Wade. I pray that that happens. But while that would reduce dramatically the number of abortions in many states, abortions would continue – and would probably increase – in other states. And all the other sins that flow out of the attitudes that lead to abortion would continue as before.

Our hope is not in a Supreme Court decision. Our hope is in God – in His mercy, in His grace, in the power of the Gospel through the Holy Spirit. So I ask you:

  • Have you had an abortion?
  • Have you advised someone else to have an abortion?
  • Would you – like me – have argued for abortion or had an abortion in case of an unplanned pregnancy?

Confess that to God – and to a strong Christian. Jesus died to take on Himself the punishment for that sin – if you throw yourself on God’s mercy. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). You can be clean before a holy and righteous God. Confess. Trust Him. A broken and contrite heart He will not despise (Psalm 51:17).

And I ask you:

  • How has this cultural obsession with autonomy affected you?
  • How have these same attitudes led you into sins other than abortion?

The exhortation to you is the same: Confess. Repent. Throw yourself on God’s mercy. Identify those wrong attitudes – those wrong attitudes that bombard us every day in this culture. Turn from them. Become like a child before God, basking in His love, crying out to Him in your pain, submitting to His wise counsel. Come to the Father through the sacrifice of the Son by the power of the Spirit. God redeems rebels:

  • Rebels who acknowledge they are children before God
  • Rebels who acknowledge they are dependent on God
  • Rebels who know that true life is found only in Jesus.

I’m a sinner. From the moment I was conceived I have been a rebel. So please join this rebel. Come to God. And know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

Come, ye weary, heavy laden,
Bruised and broken by the fall;
If you tarry ’til you’re better,
You will never come at all.

Let not conscience make you linger,
Nor of fitness fondly dream;
All the fitness He requireth
Is to feel your need of Him. (Joseph Hart, 1759)

[This sermon was preached January 23, 2022. The audio is available here.]

9/11 20 Years On: Reflections on God’s Sovereignty

On September 11, 2001, we were living on the campus of a Baptist seminary in Ndu, Cameroon. Less than three weeks after our arrival with six children in tow (and having suffered a car accident our first full day in the country), we were shocked when a fellow missionary informed us of the terrorist attack in New York (he did not yet know about the Pentagon or Flight 93).

That evening I opened my Bible to the next Scripture in the Bible Unity Reading Plan and read of God’s destruction of His own temple, His own city. Amazed at God’s provision of just the right text for the day, I continued to the following day’s reading in the book of Lamentations. Jeremiah (the most likely author) weeps over the destruction of Jerusalem – the slaughter of women and babies, the abandonment of His people by God, the tearing down of the temple (note: at that time the temple was older than any building in Washington DC is today, and more important to the Jews than the White House, the Capitol, and the Washington Monument – combined – are to us). God had warned the nation of this coming judgment through Jeremiah himself, saying that their denial of Him would inevitably lead to their destruction (Jeremiah 22:7-9). Nevertheless, the horror overwhelms the prophet:

The LORD has done what he purposed; he has carried out his word, which he commanded long ago; he has thrown down without pity; he has made the enemy rejoice over you and exalted the might of your foes…. O wall of the daughter of Zion, let tears stream down like a torrent day and night! Give yourself no rest, your eyes no respite!… Pour out your heart like water before the presence of the Lord! Lift your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint for hunger at the head of every street. Look, O LORD, and see! With whom have you dealt thus? Should women eat the fruit of their womb, the children of their tender care? Should priest and prophet be killed in the sanctuary of the Lord? In the dust of the streets lie the young and the old; my young women and my young men have fallen by the sword; you have killed them in the day of your anger, slaughtering without pity. (From Lamentations 2:17-21)

“You have killed them.” Jeremiah does not sugarcoat this tragedy by denying God’s sovereignty and responsibility. God has brought it about, using evil men fulfilling their sinful desires to accomplish His – yes – good and perfect will (Habakkuk 1 and 2). He is sovereign; He is responsible; He is good.

When facing disasters and tragedies, in our arrogance we often try to put ourselves in the Judge’s seat and pretend to bring God to the prisoner’s dock to charge Him with doing evil. “You could have stopped this, God! And You didn’t. So You must not be good, or You must not be sovereign.” But we are not wise, impartial judges; we are condemned evildoers. He is the One Who is light, and in Whom is no darkness at all; when we, by assuming the Judge’s seat, implicitly claim to be without disqualifying sin, we deceive ourselves, we preemptively call God a liar, and we prove that there is neither truth nor desire for truth in us (1 John 1:5-10). By ignoring God’s revelation about Himself (He is pure, sovereign and good!) and about us (our hearts are deceitful above all things!), we engage in circular reasoning: we assume that God is a liar and that we are in a position to judge Him before the proceedings begin. This is just a kangaroo court.

If we are to rightly consider tragedy and evil, we must acknowledge this truth: We don’t deserve to live. We exist by God’s mercy, and by that mercy alone. The only reason you and I draw breath today is that God’s perfect Son, who lived the life we should have lived, was scourged and nailed and hung naked on a cross to die a shameful, horrible death. God “has done what He purposed” (Lamentations 2:17): He did what He purposed in destroying Jerusalem, in the terrorist attacks of 9/11, in every natural disaster – and in sending His Son to the Cross. As we will consider this Sunday, “Our God … does all that He pleases” (Psalm 115:3). And in addition to exercising righteous judgment, He pleases to offer to all rebels, to all evildoers, to every one of us, the gift of His crucified and risen Son. He offers to us through that Son His New Covenant, under which He will be our God and we will be His people, and He will never turn away from doing good to us; He will put the right fear of Himself in our hearts so that we never turn from Him (Jeremiah 31:34, 32:40). To all who accept His offer, He makes this promise: Through whatever evil we face, through whatever setbacks we encounter, through whatever pain we endure, He will stand beside us. Furthermore, all that pain and suffering will work in us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison (2 Corinthians 4:16-18).

There are many important lessons from the terrorist attacks of 9/11 that we should consider on this twentieth anniversary. But none is more important than the biblical truth of God’s working all things together for the good of His people and the glory of His Name.

So join me in prayer:

Father, help us to believe this truth and to live consistently with it – to weep over sin and evil and sorrow, to fight the sin and evil in our own hearts, and to trust You throughout. Deepen our confidence in You, our trust in Your Word, so we might know that even the greatest sorrow and the most severe tragedy we face cannot compare to the sorrow and tragedy of the Cross – and the greatest joy and delight we face in this life cannot compare to the coming joy of being presented to Jesus as His perfected and renewed Bride at His coming. Save us from arrogance; exalt the Cross and the New Covenant in our minds; comfort us with Your love; show us Yourself.


Do Justice!

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase, “Do justice!”

This summer in the US, most of us think immediately of racial issues: the deaths of George Floyd and others, protests, and the subsequent articles and arguments about white privilege, systemic racism, and related matters.

“Do justice” is a biblical command:

What does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8b)

What does this command mean? How is it related to the national issues that come to mind these days when we hear the phrase?

Let’s look at the verse and its context in order to answer these questions. We shall see: While Micah 6:8 speaks only tangentially to society-level justice, it is especially relevant to the situation facing our country today.

The Context

“The LORD has an indictment against his people” (Micah 6:2). God continues: “O my people, what have I done to you? How have I wearied you? Answer me!” (Micah 6:3). So the people are weary of God. They are tired of Him.

God then emphasizes His past goodness toward them – indeed, His purchasing of them as His own: “I brought you up from the land of Egypt and redeemed you from the house of slavery, and I sent before you Moses, Aaron, and Miriam” (Micah 6:4). They are in relationship with God – and have been for hundreds of years. He is their redeemer, their Savior – as well as the provider of their great human leaders.

The people respond in verses 6-7, expressing their weariness of Him, their frustration with Him. In effect, they say:

“What do you want from us, God? Thousands of burnt offerings? Huge contributions of oil? Or perhaps our firstborn sons! You’re so unreasonable! You’re so hard to satisfy! You’re impossible!”

God then, in His grace, speaks the words they need to hear:

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8).

God says: “I’ve told you what is right and good; remember what I have spoken in word and communicated in deed. I am the source of your freedom from slavery; I am the source of your existence as a people; you are recipients of great grace! And my ‘requirements’ are not actions you take to appease me nor pro forma religious rituals.”

God then gives them three “requirements.” Let’s consider them in reverse order.

Walk humbly with your God

That is: He is your God. He is your Redeemer. You belong to Him! You are His people! So don’t think in a demeaning way about Him – as if He is unreasonable and so you are justified in being weary of Him. And don’t think highly of yourself. Don’t think highly of what you can offer to God or do for Him. Instead (using the words of Deuteronomy 6:5 which Jesus highlights as “the great commandment,” on which all the prophets depend, including Micah) love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.

So God’s third “requirement” points toward the great commandment; the first two “requirements” point toward the second greatest commandment, love your neighbor as yourself (Leviticus 19:18).

Love kindness

We could translate this phrase from the Hebrew as “love love” since Micah uses two words that both refer to love, often in the context of a covenant. But scholars tell us the emphasis here is not on emotions but rather on love in action: We are to show respect, benevolence, mercy, grace, kindness, concern, generosity and faithfulness to others, not conditioning our care for them on their response. Instead, since we have received mercy and grace and kindness from God, we are to show others the same (Matthew 18:21-35).

We clearly live out this “requirement” in our families, churches, workplaces, and neighborhoods, as well as with those individuals we encounter along the way (as in Luke 10:25-37). This “requirement” concerns our personal interactions with others – not our attempts to change the wider society.

Do justice

The NIV and Holman-Christian render this “act justly;” a commentator suggests, “Practice justice.” That is: Treat others as if they are made in the image of God – for they are! In particular, treat as God’s image-bearers those you might be tempted to look down upon – those weaker than you, or less influential, or less well-informed, or less educated, or less cool, or younger, or older, or of a different ethnicity, or of a different religion, or holding different political opinions, or having different interests. Remember, you are no closer to God than anyone else because of who you are or what you have done. If you are closer to God than others, it is only because of His grace toward you. So give all others the justice they deserve as God’s image bearers.

As with “love kindness,” we live out this “requirement” primarily in our personal interactions with those in our circles of relationships. So this, again, is a way of actualizing “love your neighbor as yourself.”

Societal Issues

So if we fulfill Micah 6:8’s third “requirement” by loving God, and the first two “requirements” by loving those in our circles of relationships, does this verse have anything to say about societal issues?

Yes. We care about societal issues because we love our neighbors. We care about how society treats or mistreats individuals that we love. So if we are to do justice and love kindness, we will do what we can to influence our public institutions so our neighbors experience justice and kindness. Indeed, parts of the Old Testament – which was written not only to common people but also to kings, rulers, and high priests – explicitly command these influential people to effect justice and kindness in the nation (see, for example, Deuteronomy 17:18-20, Ezekiel 34, Micah 3, and Isaiah 58). Living in a democracy, we all have at least a modicum of influence over the direction of our society – and we should exercise that influence to achieve the same outcomes God instructs Old Testament kings to pursue.

However, we must always remember: We do justice and love kindness first and foremost in the way we act toward individuals around us. Unless I become president, this is where I have the greatest influence.

Furthermore, history shows us that those who dedicate themselves to righting what they perceive as injustices in society very often violate Micah 6:8. They often fail to walk humbly before God, thinking of themselves as saviors to society; and in their attempts to bring about a future utopia, they trample over thousands – and sometimes millions – of individuals. They also often stir up a hatred for their political opponents. And hating those who hate your neighbor is not the same as loving your neighbor.

So do justice. Love kindness. Walk humbly before your God. By all means, after praying for wisdom, vote in the way you think will improve our country, state, and city. Consider being involved in other ways that influence our wider society.

But Micah 6:8 instructs us: whatever your involvement on societal issues, always, on every occasion, walk humbly before the God who redeemed you, who had mercy on you. And so act justly to the individuals around you and to those you encounter. Love kindness. Love your neighbor as yourself – for Jesus’ sake.

[This is an edited version of the devotion Coty gave at the August 23 DGCC members meeting.]

George Floyd and the Misuse of God-Given Authority

The Apostle Paul tells us:

There is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God…. If you do wrong, be afraid, for [the ruler] does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer (from Romans 13:1, 4).

The government, the state, thus has authority to work for the good of its citizens.

One aspect of that authority is the authorization to use violence against citizens of the state. But this authority is not to be used haphazardly – randomly harming some and supporting others. That’s terror. Nor is it to be used racially – systematically harming those of one ethnicity and supporting those of another. That’s genocide or its precursors. Nor is it to be used politically – harming one’s political antagonists and helping one’s political supporters. That’s tyranny.

Rather, God grants the state authority to use violence against wrongdoers as agents of God’s wrath. The state should give a foreshadowing of the justice to be implemented on the Last Day, when God sees to it that every sin is paid for – either by the blood of Christ or by the punishment of the perpetrator of the sin. So the state should only use violence when that is either necessary to halt a crime, or when that violence is just retribution for a crime already committed.

The authors of the Declaration of Independence argue that King George III had systematically misused such powers of the state, and thus the American colonies were justified in rebelling against him, and in setting up their own government.

But the government they set up was not another monarchy, substituting one king for another. Rather, “we the people … do ordain and establish this Constitution.” As Abraham Lincoln so marvelously described this political experiment four score and seven years later, it was “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” That is:

  • “Of the people:” The governing authorities are not foreigners nor aristocrats nor a dominant ethnicity, but come from the citizenry, from among the governed.
  • “By the people:” The rulers receive their authority neither from ancestry nor by the decision of a select group, but by the choice of the governed.
  • “For the people:” In line with Romans 13 and the Constitution’s preamble, the purpose of this government is to benefit its citizens as a whole – not to enrich its rulers or to extend the power of one faction or party over another.

When the state or agents of the state violate these principles – when they use law enforcement powers and violence to advance causes other than justice, other than the general welfare – they call into question the legitimacy of the government and thereby undermine their own authority. Most importantly, they misuse the authority God has granted, dishonoring Him, and making themselves liable to His perfect judgment.

The murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis policeman is a particularly egregious example of the misuse of power. Surely as time goes on we will learn what happened prior to this man being handcuffed, whether or not the officers were justified in so doing. But there is no possible justification for standing on a subdued, cuffed man’s neck for more than eight minutes until he dies from asphyxiation.

Why did this happen? What led a policeman – who should see himself as a servant of the public – to abrogate to himself the authority to take a life?

I would suggest it’s the same mindset that led to the misuse of the intelligence agencies in an attempt to take out political opponents in 2016/17; the same mindset that during this pandemic led a governor to open beaches in areas where his supporters predominate, but to close them in an area where his political rival is mayor; the same mindset that led a president to spread horrible rumors about a former congressman being a murderer.

This mindset is not, “I’m a servant of all these citizens.” It is rather: “I’m in charge. I’m here to advance my purposes, and the purposes of those like me. If someone annoys me, if someone gets in my way or in the way of our movement, he doesn’t deserve justice – he deserves to be taken out. I don’t bear the sword in vain.”

This mindset – often clothed in self-righteous justification of one’s actions – is antithetical to biblical teaching as well as to the founding principles of this country. May we, Christ’s church, call to account those who display this mindset – whether we agree or disagree with their political positions. And by God’s grace, may our governing authorities live out Romans 13 as well as the Constitution’s Preamble and the Gettysburg Address.

But it is not only policemen and politicians who are susceptible to the virus of this mindset. Many pastors are infected. Millions of church members have caught the disease. None of us is immune. And there is no vaccination available to prevent it.

So check your social media presence. Consider how you’ve interacted this week with those who are in some sense under you – those in your family, those in your workplace, those serving you in stores. Search your heart via God’s Word. Pray with David, “See if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” (Psalm 139:24).

Our Lord came “not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). May those who wield the sword see themselves as servants of the people – and may we exercise our authority as those who serve.


Humbling Human Arrogance

Humbling Human Arrogance by Coty Pinckney

[This devotion is taken primarily from the third section of the July 21 sermon, “The Reasonable Foolishness of Christ Crucified.” Audio of that sermon will be available soon at this link.]

The haughty looks of man shall be brought low,
and the lofty pride of men shall be humbled,
and the LORD alone will be exalted in that day.
Isaiah 2:11

“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children,
you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Whoever humbles himself like this child
is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 18:3-4

God promises to humble all human arrogance. He will show Himself to be the only Being worthy of praise, as the Father exalts the Son, the Son exalts the Father, and the Spirit exalts both Father and Son. We must humble ourselves, therefore, if we are to be part of the summing up of all things in Christ (Ephesians 1:10), when every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of the Father (Philippians 2:10-11).

In 1 Corinthians 1:26-2:5, the Apostle Paul shows how God’s humbling purposes have been manifested in his readers’ experience. He asks:  Who is part of this church? Who has come to faith in Christ crucified?

If coming to faith were dependent on our being able to figure God out on our own, then you would have to be at least reasonably bright to be saved. Indeed, those who are of high intelligence would then be over-represented in the church.

Alternately, if you were able to get into the family of God the way many get employment – through connections, networking, and influence – then you would expect to find that most saved people come from prominent backgrounds.

In either of those cases, there would be some basis for our boasting:

  • “We are in the church because we’re smarter than those folks outside!”
  • Or, “We are here because of our ancestry, because of how important our families are!”

But Paul tells the Corinthians (and us): Look around. What do you see? Are the believers especially intelligent? Are they predominantly from prominent families?

No. Not many of the Corinthian believers were wise by the world’s standards; not many were born to privileged positions. Instead, God chose and called predominantly those who seem foolish, those who seem weak, those who are not honored, even those who may seem deplorable – to humble the supposedly wise and strong and influential. This is in accord with what Jesus prays in Luke 10:21:

“I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will.”

God is the active agent in salvation. And He chooses not primarily the most intelligent, not primarily the most prominent – why? 1 Corinthians 1:29: “So that no human being might boast in the presence of God.” That’s the bottom line. God humbles us – who, sinful as we are, need to be humbled. And He exalts Himself, He exalts Jesus the Son – the One worthy of all exaltation.

So rather than boast in ourselves, we are (1 Corinthians 1:31) to boast in Jesus, in the cross. For it is because of God and His great plan that we are in Christ Jesus and therefore receive God’s wisdom in the Gospel – righteousness, holiness, and redemption through Jesus’ death on the cross.

Then in 1 Corinthians 2:1-5, the Apostle Paul tells us that even he – capable as he was of wowing folks with his intellect – did not do that. He didn’t think, “Ok, I’ll get their attention with my rhetoric, draw them in with my learning, then convince them with my powerful arguments.” Why not? He tells us in verse 5: “So that your faith might not be based on the wisdom of men” – not even on the wisdom of the Apostle Paul!  – “but on the power of God.”

Paul did not want to make disciples of Paul. He wanted God to make disciples of Jesus as he preached and lived out the Gospel. If he was drawing attention to himself, he was undercutting the Gospel, not faithfully proclaiming it.

So as the Holy Spirit performed that mighty miracle in Corinth – the same miracle He has performed in so many of our hearts:

  • removing our hearts of stone and replacing them with hearts of flesh
  • circumcising our hearts
  • opening blind eyes to see the beauty of Jesus
  • granting faith and making of each changed person a new creation

God the Father was glorified. God the Son was honored. And these new believers could see: Paul was just a messenger. He was just an ambassador. The honor, praise, and thanks goes to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Human arrogance was humbled. God was shown to be all in all.

That is our goal and desire within Desiring God Community Church:

  • To humble our own natural arrogance
  • To stifle our own inclination to boast
  • To honor the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as worthy of all praise and glory

Yes, the cross, the Gospel, God’s entire plan seems foolishness in the eyes of those who are perishing (1 Corinthians 1:18). But when we behold our God,

  • When we see Him for Who He is
  • When we see Him as the only being worthy of worship
  • When we see the goal of the Father to exalt the Son He loves
  • When we see Jesus dying for the glory of the Father
  • When we glimpse the coming marriage supper of the Lamb, and our own joint role as Bride of Christ

Then we see: This all makes sense. This is all perfectly reasonable. I was blind, thinking the cross was foolishness. I was arrogant, thinking I could figure God out. But now I see: He alone is to be exalted. I bow before Him and gladly give Him the worship and honor He deserves.


Hear Instruction!

What did you give thanks for this last week? Many of us gave God thanks for our families and friends. But what about for the counselors and guides He has put into your life? Did you thank Him for them?

Some of us did. Some of us readily acknowledge our need for advisors, our need to hear instruction from those who have experience and wisdom. Others of us balk at that: We’re thankful for friends, but we think we can guide ourselves, we think we can make our own decisions.

The book of Proverbs emphasizes time and again our need for guides. Let’s consider a few verses from Chapter 19.

Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future. (Proverbs 19:20)

The implication is: You don’t have wisdom now – or at least not sufficient wisdom to guide yourself through the maze of life’s choices. You need help. God provides His grace to us in part through granting us His church; within the church are those who have walked wisely with Him for more years than we have, as well as those older or younger who have walked similar paths to ours.  We learn wisdom by listening to them, and by sharing life with them.

This chapter then warns of the danger facing the stubborn among us, those who are wise in their own eyes:

Cease to hear instruction, my son, and you will stray from the words of knowledge. (Proverbs 19:27)

Note that this verse is not speaking primarily to those who have never listened to instruction. Such folks have never walked in wisdom and thus can’t stray from the words of knowledge. Rather, Proverbs 19:27 warns those who once listened but no longer do. For we never outgrow our need to gain wisdom from the advice of others. We may have experience and wisdom in one area of life, which is valuable for us personally and helpful to share with others, while simultaneously needing help in other areas of life. God therefore puts us together in the Body of Christ, His Church, so that together we might “spur one another on to love and good works” (Hebrews 10:24), so that together we might be built up and “attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ”  (Ephesians 4:13).

When we quit listening to God’s truth through others, however, we deviate more and more from His path. We may have heard those truths numerous times in the past, but without that regular reminder from His people, we drift away. We close our ears; we are responsible for our wandering.

And yet who do we blame? In such situations, do we take responsibility ourselves?

When a man’s folly brings his way to ruin, his heart rages against the Lord. (Proverbs 19:3)

Do you know people like this? Those who have been blessed with a witness to the Gospel, who have read God’s Word, who have had every opportunity to follow Him – and yet angrily reject the Jesus of the Bible and try to turn others away from Him? This proverb tells us: Expect to encounter such people. They have ceased to hear instruction. They have strayed from the words of knowledge. In their anger against God they are driving themselves further and further from Him.

Pray that our gracious Lord may have mercy on such folks, granting them humility and repentance before Him. But then all the more, examine your own heart: Are you seeking out instruction? Or are you implicitly acting as if you have arrived, you have become wise, you don’t need instruction?

God has provided us with all that we need to know Him, to follow Him, to grow in Him, to take on His character, and to play our role in helping others to grow in Christ. May we therefore feed on His Word; may we seek out instruction and guidance from those wise in Him; and may He thereby conform us to His likeness more and more through these means, day by day, month by month – so that on Thanksgiving Day 2019 we may have many counselors, advisors, and guides to praise Him for.

The Arrogant in Heart

God hates human pride. He detests human arrogance. Indeed, one could argue that pride and arrogance are the fundamental sins according to Scripture, for all other sins result from exalting our own judgments, our own opinions, our conceptualization  of our own best interests, above God’s Law.

Consider some examples of the ways pride and arrogance cause us to act:

  • Pride keeps a struggling couple from seeking help in their marriage.
  • Pride keeps a father from confessing to his child that he acted harshly.
  • Pride causes us to lash out when others confront us with our sins.
  • Pride causes us to look for and find even imaginary weaknesses and faults in those who oppose us.
  • Pride causes us to label those who differ from us on theology or politics or public policy as morons or morally corrupt or unworthy of being listened to.
  • Pride causes a pastor to care more about his reputation than about those in his care.
  • Most of all, pride keeps us from humbling ourselves before God, acknowledging that He created us, He knows us, He knows what is best for us – and that He alone can tell us how to be right with Him.

So we can see why God hates pride. But Scripture tells us He not only hates the sin of pride. He also detests those who exhibit pride:

“Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the Lord; be assured, he will not go unpunished” (Proverbs 16:5 ESV). Or, as the NIV renders the first clause: “The LORD detests all the proud of heart.”

Those of us brought up on platitudes like, “God hates the sin but loves the sinner” shrink back from such harsh statements. We’re tempted to slough them off as characteristic only of the Old Testament. But it is Jesus Himself who says, “The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all law-breakers, and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 13:41-42). It is Jesus Himself who tells us that He will say to many on the Last Day, “Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matthew 25:41). Just so with the arrogant in heart; they will not go unpunished. Jesus will see to that on the Last Day. For they are an abomination to Him, and their sin is not atoned for. “And the haughtiness of man shall be humbled, and the lofty pride of men shall be brought low, and the LORD alone will be exalted in that day” (Isaiah 2:17).

But praise God there is hope for the proud – or none of us would be saved! Our gracious Lord invites us to confess our sins, to humble ourselves before Him, to admit that we are not worthy now to come into His holy presence and we can never make ourselves worthy. He commands us to repent of our arrogance and to acknowledge Jesus as our Savior, our Master, and our Treasure.

Have you made that most important confession, that humbling of yourself before God? Guess what? Your battle against pride and arrogance has only just begun. Welcome to the continual, day-to-day, hour-by-hour fight.

Engage in this fight by, first, testing yourself regularly: Do I think of myself more highly, or simply more, than I ought? Am I humbled today by the glory, majesty, wisdom, love, power, and mercy of the Lord? Do I see myself today as deserving of God’s condemnation, yet embraced by Him solely because of His mercy? Am I thinking today, “How can I be served?” or, “How can I serve?”

Then, second, think of those around you who seem arrogant and prideful. Some perhaps are hindering your work, hampering your ministry; some perhaps are even attacking you. Pray for God to grant them repentance, leading them to a knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 2:25-26). Pray that nothing in your response to their arrogance would drive them further from God. Know that God will punish that sin – so don’t be dismayed or disheartened by their opposition. He will bring down the proud – either through humbling them via salvation or through punishing them directly. Ensure that you don’t have a preference for their personal punishment.

So, Christian, be at peace. Serve faithfully. God will deal with all the proud, all the arrogant. Put to death that desire for self-exaltation. Continue to humble yourself before Him, without worries. Delight in your dependence on Him – and trust Him to exalt you at the proper time (1 Peter 5:6).


Our Incurable Disease

You have an incurable disease. All humans do. We inherited this disease from our parents, and they from their parents – all the way back to Adam and Eve.

There is no human help for this disease. Oh, we can alleviate a few of the symptoms through discipline, through accountability, through learning more self-control – but this disease is similar to the hydra of Greek mythology. When anyone cut off one of the hydra’s heads, two more immediately grew. When you learn to control one part of your disease – say, bursts of anger – more symptoms of the disease pop up – say, pride and arrogance.

But God in His grace and mercy offers you a cure. The question is: Will you accept it?

Scripture provides us with an apt picture of the way we are prone to resist this cure through telling the story of a leper in 2 Kings 5.

In the ancient world, leprosy was incurable. Naaman, a general in a powerful army, comes down with this disease. An Israelite servant girl in his household tells his wife of a prophet in Israel who can cure the disease. So Naaman’s king writes a letter to the King of Israel, telling him to cure Naaman of his leprosy.

The Israelite king is distraught, thinking the other is looking for a pretense to go to war. But when the prophet Elisha hears of the events, he tells the king to send Naaman to him.

Naaman arrives at Elisha’s place, bearing many gifts – he is a wealthy man and thinks he can pay handsomely for this service. He is an important man, and thinks this prophet will be impressed by his presence.

But Elisha doesn’t even come out to see Naaman. He simply sends a messenger, who instructs the general to go wash in the Jordan River seven times, and he will be cured. Hear Naaman’s response:

But Naaman was angry and went away, saying, “Behold, I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call upon the name of the Lord his God, and wave his hand over the place and cure the leper. Are not Abana and Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? Could I not wash in them and be clean?” So he turned and went away in a rage (2 Kings 5:11-12).

Naaman’s pride almost causes him to miss this grace from God. But God shows him even greater grace, as He leads Naaman’s servants to appeal to him to try this simple task the prophet gave him. He washes seven times in the Jordan – and is cured.

Just so with us. God offers us healing of our incurable disease if we only turn to Jesus and trust Him with our lives. But so often we are like Naaman: We don’t like God’s plan. We want to prove our worth through some great deed we do for God. Or we want God to perform some grand visible miracle that will call attention to us. Or we want God to cure the disease in a different way, a way that seems better to us. “Just trust Jesus? Why? Why not some other way? Why not many other ways? How simplistic!”

Like Naaman, we can turn our backs and miss God’s grace because of our pride, because of our preconceived ideas about how God should work.

But praise God that He persists in the offer of the Gospel. As in Naaman’s case, He sends others to us to say again and again, “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31).

Don’t despise the miracle of simple faith. Admit you are diseased. Confess that you cannot cure yourself. And throw yourself on God’s mercy offered to you through Jesus Christ.

When you, like Naaman, humble yourself before the One True God, He will save you – through the death, resurrection, and reign of the Lord Jesus Christ. And you will discover the love, joy, and peace you have so deeply desired.